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Unngå for mange søkeord i Title Tag

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 Vi ser fortsatt noen eksempler på nettsider hvor man har lagt inn flere forskjellige søkeord. Vi vet også at dette i fall fall tidligere ikke var noe hinder for å oppnå god synlighet på Googles 1. side. 

På bakgrunn av googles siste fokus på å straffe alt som ligner spam, advarer vi mot å bruke mer enn ett søkeord i dette feltet. Det er viktig å huske at hver side ideelt sett skal ha sin egen unike title tag som skal gi en dekkende beskrivelse av som er innholdet på siden.

Googles retningslinjer på dette punktet er klare:

  • Avoid keyword stuffing. It's sometimes helpful to have a few descriptive terms in the title, but there’s no reason to have the same words or phrases appear multiple times. A title like "Foobar, foo bar, foobars, foo bars" doesn't help the user, and this kind of keyword stuffing can make your results look spammy to Google and to users.
  • Avoid repeated or boilerplate titles. It’s important to have distinct, descriptive titles for each page on your site. Titling every page on a commerce site "Cheap products for sale", for example, makes it impossible for users to distinguish one page differs another. Long titles that vary by only a single piece of information ("boilerplate" titles) are also bad; for example, a standardized title like "<band name> - See videos, lyrics, posters, albums, reviews and concerts" contains a lot of uninformative text. One solution is to dynamically update the title to better reflect the actual content of the page: for example, include the words "video", "lyrics", etc., only if that particular page contains video or lyrics. Another option is to just use"<band name>" as a concise title and use the meta description (see below) to describe your site's content. TheHTML suggestions page in Webmaster Tools lists any duplicate titles Google detected on your pages.

Publisert 14.08.13.

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